Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lindsay in my imagination

It was the day I was watching an old episode of Cock's n' Pussy's on a strong brain slug that I decided to go sober and try the Imagination Recreation. It didn't cost me much money and soon I was strapped down and entering the virtual world of my imagination. I found myself in long hallway that was misty with fog and illuminated by purple blinking Christmas tree lights. In this hallway there were doors, each one with a different name on the front. I chose the one that spelled Lindsay. When I opened the door I found myself standing in what only could be described as back-in-time. I saw myself and Lindsay arguing by her red Honda in front of her house. I watched as Lindsay cried and went inside. I saw myself cursing to myself and leaning up against her car waiting for her to come out. I knew what would happen next because the bitter taste of this memory never truly went away. I knew that when she came out we would argue some more and get back into the car for a ride that would be our last. I had to act fast. I ran over to the car and faced myself. I pulled out a disintegrating ray gun and blasted myself point blank with no hesitation. There was no trace left of the evil self that I just blasted away. Just then I heard the front door open and saw Lindsay step out with a bag full of my old-self's belongings. As she walked my way I ran to her and hugged her hard. I told her that I was sorry for whatever I did. I begged for her to forgive me. She cried and smiled through her tears and said, "okay, I forgive you this last time." I continued to hug her but soon found myself awoken and strapped to the chair in the Imagination Recreation clinic. I could still smell her on my clothes. I think I found a new addiction.

Tina and ebabe

I found a way to put myself on eBabe a few weeks ago for $300. I got a small response. Then one person in particular placed a bid for me and won. It was Tina. Tina and I had met many years before, when she was working at Guitar Center selling drums. I wanted her to be in the band that I was starting at the time. The band didn't pan out and Tina and I lost contact for many years. We found each other again at a poetry open-mic night in Vallejo. It wasn't long after that that Tina and I were living together in a little house on the water. We stayed together like that for almost a year. Then life and my decisions pulled us apart and I moved away to be closer to the ocean and the school I was going to. Now here she is again, buying my relatively low-cost affections on eBabe. Now we're starting over again many more years from the last time I saw her. When I last knew her she was a teacher at a small high school. Now she is a principal at another high school, this one on Mars. I guess I'll be moving to Mars soon to be with Tina, after all she did buy me. I'll be sure to give her every penny's worth, and make things special this time around.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The perfect man for T

Taryn is looking for that perfect man, so she created her own. She said she wants her man to be taller than her, but not too tall. She wants him to be successful, but not too successful; she likes her man to rely on her once in a while. She wants her man to have black hair, but not too much hair; she likes her men a little insecure. She wants her man to be in shape, but not too in shape; she likes her man to have a little bit of belly fat so that she can hold onto it when she cuddles. She wants her man to have stamina so that like Angelina Jolie she can have lots of babies. She wants her man to be smart, but not too smart; she likes to teach her man things he doesn't know. She wants her man to say all the the right things, but not all the time; she likes to laugh at her man when he puts his foot in his mouth. She wants her man to be friendly, but not to have too many friends; she wants him all to herself. She wants her man to love dogs, because she loves dogs. She wants her man to hate cats, because she is allergic to cats. She wants her man to love cooking so that they can cook together. She wants her man to be perfect, but not too perfect. I tell her good luck with that.


I put together a transistor radio and received an S.O.S from someone named Sandy. She was broadcasting from a deserted island somewhere off of the Hawaiian Island coast. In the broadcasted request for help Sandy said she ended up on the island after jumping off a ship that was headed to the rehab were the notable comic Jules Posner is being held at. I found the coordinates to the island and decided to attempt to rescue this mysterious Sandy. I charged up the Honda Hydro Hovercraft that I've been borrowing from a friend and set off on my rescue mission. I made sure to bring plenty of food, water and clothing for Sandy for when I reached her. On the way there I came across a pod of dolphins that I was able to communicate with using my communication fibulater. It seemed that the dolphins were speaking their own form of Chinese. I asked them if by chance they knew where this island was that I was searching for. They asked me why and I told them about Sandy. That is when they surprised me by telling me that they had in fact rescued Sandy from the ocean about a week ago and that they could lead me to the island where they took her.  On the way there I continued listening to Sandy's broadcast. After continued listening it dawned on me  that Sandy's voice was familiar, that I'd heard this voice in the past. Then I remembered that I once knew a Sandy, intimately, many years ago. I thought to myself could this be the same Sandy from back then? As we neared the island I noticed smoke signals coming from a mountain top. The dolphins said goodbye, then swam away.  I parked the hovercraft on the beach and saw a lady standing there in cut off shorts and a t-shirt with no shoes. It was the same Sandy that I once knew. She looked a little aged but I could still tell that it was her. I rescued her that day and she still is by my side with her big brown eyes and long black hair.

Monday, April 5, 2010


I decided to join the millions of other humans and travel to a different planet in hopes of escaping the harsh memories of earthly romances. I thought about going to Mars or the Moon but then I thought that it would be too cliché to go to those places. Then I read an article about Zuesyla and thought to myself that about its weirdness and its only 11 million inhabitants would be a welcome retreat. So there I was on the space craft  being transported to this faraway planet and I fell asleep. I was awakened by the stewardess who was offering me a more comfortable pillow. I groggily looked up and saw that it was Thea, a ghost from my past. She was an older lover from the late 90s who got lost in the mix of life and moving-ons. To my surprise she looked about the same as she did when I last saw her all those years ago. She explained that shortly after we drifted apart she had herself cryogenically frozen to be woken up in 2030. She also explained how this broke her financially but now she's getting back into financial shape by working on the space lines. We caught up during the days that it took to get to Zuesyla. We even ventured to join the thousand light year mile high club. Once on Zuesyla we exchanged contact information and parted ways. My journey on Zuesyla is a different story.