Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lindsay in my imagination

It was the day I was watching an old episode of Cock's n' Pussy's on a strong brain slug that I decided to go sober and try the Imagination Recreation. It didn't cost me much money and soon I was strapped down and entering the virtual world of my imagination. I found myself in long hallway that was misty with fog and illuminated by purple blinking Christmas tree lights. In this hallway there were doors, each one with a different name on the front. I chose the one that spelled Lindsay. When I opened the door I found myself standing in what only could be described as back-in-time. I saw myself and Lindsay arguing by her red Honda in front of her house. I watched as Lindsay cried and went inside. I saw myself cursing to myself and leaning up against her car waiting for her to come out. I knew what would happen next because the bitter taste of this memory never truly went away. I knew that when she came out we would argue some more and get back into the car for a ride that would be our last. I had to act fast. I ran over to the car and faced myself. I pulled out a disintegrating ray gun and blasted myself point blank with no hesitation. There was no trace left of the evil self that I just blasted away. Just then I heard the front door open and saw Lindsay step out with a bag full of my old-self's belongings. As she walked my way I ran to her and hugged her hard. I told her that I was sorry for whatever I did. I begged for her to forgive me. She cried and smiled through her tears and said, "okay, I forgive you this last time." I continued to hug her but soon found myself awoken and strapped to the chair in the Imagination Recreation clinic. I could still smell her on my clothes. I think I found a new addiction.

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