Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Mayor of Pleasant Hill

I ran into Marie today in the Safeway parking lot. She was driving her new Honda Hover Car and I was walking. My hover car doesn’t exist because I don’t have one because I can’t afford one. I’m still driving my old school Volkswagen hoopty with something like 600,000 miles on it. Marie looks different. She got fat, and wrinkled. But her spirit seems intact and is as happy-go-lucky as usual. She told me that she lived on the moon for a couple years but didn’t like it because it was too cold and windy. Her daughter is all grown up with kids of her own. I was surprised to hear that Marie is now the mayor of Pleasant Hill, the city we met in so long ago. It’s funny because I never imagined Marie to be political at all, but I guess she is, now. She talked of how she is single and how her husband died on the freeway in a tragic accident some years ago. She seemed generally happy to see me and not at all disappointed or surprised that I’m out of work and close to being homeless. In fact, she has asked me to come live with her in her big ranch in Pleasant Hill, with her and her cats. I didn’t know she even liked cats; people change I guess. After all this time Marie is still beautiful, even more now on the inside than before. She is now in her early fifties and she is still radiant. I told her that yes I would like to move in with her and that I would arrive there tomorrow with all my things in tow. She asked about my son little Daniel, and I told her how proud I was of how successful he is in the Air Force, and how he has a family of his own now too. Funny, the year is 2033 and I don’t feel old, just aged a bit. It will be nice to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of Marie’s ranch. I look forward to it. I hope that I can bring joy and happiness to her like she did me all those years ago.

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